“Dear Everyone,
Welcome back from Spring Break! We have had a busy week filled with owl town and trout adventures. Tomorrow, we are going to Merck Forest to test the water temperature of rivers to make sure our trout tank aligns with the rivers so that we can start to plan our trout release day. We will also go for a hike and work on our outdoor living skills. It has been a sunny, a hard working, an owl town, a parent conference,a puppet dancing, a dandelion finding and a muddy kind of week. Yay spring!
“This week I’m the miscellaneous report. So last week on the day before break, we had Open Mic/Poem Recital. Everyone recited a poem and each class did one, too. For Open Mic Coffee House we had bagels, popcorn, Dunkin Donuts munchkins and some fruit. Also, Noah was Avacado Man and the host. My act was Grandma Moses with Cole, Zooey, and Colby. All of it was super fun and now we have the play coming up.”-Kelley
“Last Friday we went on an important field trip to Earth Sky Time farm to talk with Bread and Puppet. Bread and Puppet is a traveling theater troupe who does plays and puppet shows about politics and current world events. We met with some of the puppeteers to ask them some questions and get ideas for puppets we’re making at school. Then we went back to school, made thank you cards for Bread and Puppet, and worked on our puppets. And guess what? All this happened on a school day…during spring break! Well, at least this means that we get out a day earlier for summer!”-Addis
“We made a town called Owl Town. It had real stuff in it. We made it because we wanted to. I sold toys.”-Emma (Thank you to everyone who came and visited owl town!)
“We (the Eagles and Owls) are starting a play. Here are the roles and who’s playing them.
Jonathan – Noah Antoinette – Hazel Fairy Godmama – Eden Sheep 1 – Emma Sheep 2 – Cole Sheep 3 – Gabriel Sheep 4 – Ryder Tom – Cian Jerry – JJ Mutt – Caleb Wicked Stepmama – Rebecca Mrs. Bittersweet – Emma Countess Bric-a-Brac – Zooey Count Bric-a-Brac – Addis Duchess of Twillingham – Charlie Merry – Abby Twinkletoes – Mischa Daisy – Matilda Great George the Giant – Kelley Stage Manager – Colby
It’s about a shepherd who falls in love with a beautiful maiden and they go through a big adventure to get married. On the way, they meet a wicked stepmama, a fairy godmama, some sheep, some elves, some beautiful sisters, a giant, go to a soiree, fall in love, and encounter some very sleepy guests. I’m very happy with what I got and am excited to do the play! Thank you for reading!”-Zooey
“We are reading a book about Poppy. We had to stop reading it for a while because two of our kids were gone. We are reading it now.”-Hazel
“The school played Splat in the community room because we play a game once a week. Someone is in the middle.”-Gabriel
“On Sunday we are having a contra dance at Earth Sky Time Farm. We made puppets for the Contra dance. The theme is spring time. I made a bear because I like bears. All in all, I love making puppets because it is fun.”-Rebecca (Please come to our Contra Dance at Earth Sky Time this Sunday from 3-6. Terrible Mountain String Band is playing. Adults are $12 and kids are free. All proceeds go to support the Red Fox Tuition Assistance Fund!)
“This week we had Spanish and an extra day for puppets. We played a blind fold game during Spanish and it was fun to play. People got a lot of stuff done.”-Colby
“This week we re-opened the woods. We had closed it because some trees were ready to fall. Some people came to cut down the dead trees. We’ve also re-opened the tree house. We have been playing manhunt a lot. We’ve been trying to make the teams fair…we are still trying.”-Cole
“We played man hunt. You hide and the other team counts. The counters go find the hiders. They tag you. It is fun.”-Caleb
“Suru was calm at school this week. Suru is my puppy. He is a poodle pointer. I think he was excited to come to school.”-Matilda
“Matilda’s puppy Suru came to school this week. Matilda brought him because she wanted to. He rode in Matilda’s car. He is brown. He is super cute.”-JJ
“This week in Math we learned how to calculate area and perimeter using Cheez-Its. Each Cheez-It is one inch by one inch, so Sarah gave us shapes so we could calculate the area and perimeter. In Literacy, we went over our play parts. I’m Tom, one of the elves. To sum it up, it was a lot of fun to learn with Cheez-Its.”-Cian
“Hazel brought a bubble machine to school.”-Mischa
A comic by Noah…

“I tied my shoes with some tape today and yesterday too because I did not know how to tie my shoes. I thought it was fun.”-Abby
“On Tuesday, Addis was the trout caretaker. First, he siphoned, then he checked for dead trout, and he found one (or so he thought!). The trout that he found didn’t squirm, but it started to swim in the toilet, and Addis didn’t try to save it because he knew that the chemicals in the toilet water would kill the trout. On Thursday we took the front insulation piece off. Besides that, nothing interesting.”-Eden
“Mischa and Matilda picked Dandelions today in the yard for fun. They found them and then they picked them. They were pretty. It means spring is here!”-Charlie
“All the kids are going to Merck.”-Ryder
Love, Red Fox Community School Ryder, Hazel, Gabriel, Mischa, Matilda, Abby, Emma, Caleb, Charlie, JJ, Rebecca, Addis, Zooey, Eden, Colby, Noah, Cian, Kelley and Cole