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Bird Walk - Warblers

Sat, May 10


Hildene, The Lincoln Family Home

May means WARBLERS for birders! Considering colors and field marks alone, these small insect-eating birds go from the unpretentious Yellow Warbler (top right) to the almost ostentatious male Blackburnian Warbler (bottom right)—a mostly black bird with white wing patches and a fiery orange throat.

Bird Walk - Warblers
Bird Walk - Warblers

Time & Location

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May 10, 2025, 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Hildene, The Lincoln Family Home, 1005 Hildene Rd, Manchester Center, VT 05255, USA

About the event

May means WARBLERS for birders! Considering colors and field marks alone, these small insect-eating birds go from the unpretentious Yellow Warbler (top right) to the almost ostentatious male Blackburnian Warbler (bottom right)—a mostly black bird with white wing patches and a fiery orange throat. If there ever was a WOW bird, the Blackburnian qualifies. Of the 49 species of warblers commonly seen in the U.S., 29 of them can been seen in VT. Field experience is the best way to learn warbler ID. Go birding with an experienced birder. Note behavioral clues: Black and White Warblers glean insects from tree bark as they creep up and down the trunk and limbs. Palm Warblers flick their tails. Blackpolls are high altitude birds. Learn the songs, study your field guide, and prepare yourself for "warbler neck" as you search for these challenging songsters during the month of May.

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