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Writer's pictureRed Fox Community School

Week of April 1st, 2019

“Dear Everyone,

On Friday the owls went to Helmholz Fine Art Gallery in Manchester. Lisa Helmholz talked to us about the importance of art and community. She let us explore all the art in the gallery. She talked about how a painting called The Feast of Venus inspired her to take community action. The painting is of group of women working cooking together. Lisa was inspired by the painting and connected with Hunger Free Vermont. She is having a dinner inspired by that piece of art to raise money and awareness for Hunger Free Vermont. Thank you so much Lisa for hosting us and sharing all the incredible art. We all worked on our mosaics for the Southern Vermont Art Museum. Please come by the museum to check them out!

“This week we are starting some new subjects. On Monday we started geometry and writing time. In geometry we learned about shapes, from 3-sided shapes (triangles), to 12 sided shapes (do-decagons). In writing time we usually have free write or work on our newsletter. Speaking of which, this week we’re changing newsletter format! We decided to make it more like a newspaper. We have sections (specials, outside and sports, comics and games, etc.) We rotate sections each week and if something happens that one of us wants to write about, we write about in writing time. *Whew* so many new things! ‘Till next week!”-Addis

“I am practicing my poem sometimes at school for the poetry recital next week. I say my poem in front of people and they give me feedback.”-Abby (Come to the show next week at 10:30 on Friday!)

“Emma brought her pet hamster to school for her share. It’s name was Misty. The end.”-Hazel

“The Eagles presented their civil war projects this week. They made them because they were learning about the civil war. They researched different topics.”-JJ

“Specials Corner. Eagles Wing. Eagle Above. Hello readers. Welcome! If you’re new this is specials corner and I’ll be telling you that on Tuesday we had P.E and Wednesday we had music, it switched! Ok…Spanish. Spanish is on Monday. We play the Popsicle game. On Thursday we have art but that hasn’t happened yet because we write this before art. On Friday we’re going to do our mosaics. You can learn more about that if you read major projects by Eden Levis. Well, see you in the next issue. Thanks for reading.”-Zooey

“Pickles and cucumber were spotted today in the yard because I don’t know. I heard something and then spotted them! P.S They are cats.”-Emma

A comic by Cian…

“We did magic squares yesterday because it was for literacy. There is a letter in the middle and you try to make words with all the other letters but you have to use the magic square.”-Gabriel

“Trout report. This week started our newspaper. I’m writing about the trout. I’m giving the trout report for the week. The week started of pretty normal with there being only two dead trout on Wednesday. The water temp was good, the readings were normal, and everything was average….until Thursday when the water temp dropped about ten degrees. The chiller coil got frozen but it wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened. After Sarah thawed the chiller coil by leaving the Styrofoam off around the tank and the tank open for a bit the water temp is climbing back up and it should be back to normal by the end of the week.”-Kelley

“Maeve returns back to school. And! The trout are getting cold.”-Mischa (The trout did get too cold accidentally but all is well!)

“This week we had a tourer. It was a Dad. At the end of the month the school is having a Spring Fling Contra Dance. It will be April 28th, 2019 from 3-6 pm at Earth Sky Farm. $12 for adults and kids are FREE and dinner is available.”-Colby (Please come to the Contra Dance!)

“I made cars for my car dealership!”-Ryder (Owl town is almost ready to be opened)

“The school had fiber arts this morning in the community room to knit a hat by knitting. And! The owls counted money on Tuesday at school to learn how to make $1. I made groups of 5. There are so many ways to make $1!”-Charlie

“This week we had two major projects. The first is the trout mosaics. The trout mosaics is a project that we’ll be working on until next Friday, and we will start tomorrow. Sarah got the tiles from Amazaon and we’ll also bring in plates to smash. Our other project is a fort in Roxaboxen called “The Fort”. It was started by Kelley and Cole putting some planks in a tree, but soon there were a lot of people and lots of advances in the building. I think that the fort is really fun, exciting, and epic. Eagle Above!”-Eden

“Me and Kelley and Cole and Gabriel made a tree house yesterday in Roxaboxen for fun. I think Kelley and Cole started it. It’s fun to make.”-Caleb

“On Thursday at outside time we started to smash parts for our mosaics. We are doing trout and river mosaics. I smashed pots. We had to put rags on the pots so it would not get in our eyes. All in all I loved smashing them because we got smash a pot!.”-Rebecca (Please come see the mosaics at the Southern Vermont Art Museum!)

“This year we are doing a play called Once Upon a Time. It is a comedy. We are reading it next week. Then we will get parts. The play is Thursday, May 23rd at 11:00 am if you want to come (it’s at Long Trail School). The owls are reading it with us.”-Cole

Love, Red Fox Community School Ryder, Hazel, Gabriel, Mischa, Matilda, Abby, Emma, Caleb, Charlie, JJ, Rebecca, Addis, Zooey, Eden, Colby, Noah, Cian, Kelley and Cole

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