“Dear Everyone,
“Scout and Josh are teaching us about about soil erosion because world soil day is December 5th. On Friday December 6th, Scout Proft is going to do an experiment about erosion.”-Eleanor (Thank you so much Scout and Josh!)
“On Monday we had a snow day. The roads were snowy and slushy and I did not want to drive in the snow. Usually when there is lots of snow or ice we don’t have school. I like the snow.”-Colby
“On Tuesday morning we picked our poems! In 2 weeks we will have a poetry recital. Each person picks 1-2 poems to recite. There is also going to be a holiday show. For my poem I picked The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe and now I am starting to regret it. I have to learn the whole thing by Monday. That having been said, I am VERY excited. Enjoy the show!”-Addis
“This week we picked out our poems for the poetry recital. It’s on the 20th of December. Come, why not? My poem is about a kite. there is going to be food there. So, just come.”-Cole
“The Eagles are doing restaurant math. I am making a restaurant called Holy Panda. It’s a cafe with pandas, dogs, cats and pigs. You eat and play at the restaurant. Zooey’s restaurant is called Kiss the Cow. JJ’s restaurant is the Fat Pug. Addis’ restaurant is Kiss the Cow. I’m excited to see how they end up.”-Nicolas
“The owls made snowflakes 2 days a go at school because it was snowing. We made them with paper and scissors.”-Matilda
“We made snow flakes on Tuesday at Red Fox Community School because it was fun. We used scissors.”-Beckett
“We went to a bank to build a snow fort.”-Ryder
“Addis, Becektt and JJ are building a fort. Colby, Cole, Nico, Rebecca, Caleb, Gabriel and I are also making a fort. So far both forts are doing great! When we keep working on it, after a while it will be the best two forts in the history of the world! Right now there’s not much to it but it will get bigger every day! Watch out Eiffel Tower we’re coming at you!”-Zooey
“On Tuesday we had a smorgasbord for lunch. So we had a bagel or a hot dog. My grandmother made lunch. I had a hot dog. It was good.”-Charlie
“We used Snurfer boards. They are snowboards before real snowboards. You stand on it and you go down the hill. It looks like a banana. It is fun.”-Caleb (Thank you Mike for bringing the Snurfer boards in!)
“Q-bitz is fun and they are challenging.”-Henri
“Right now in the meeting we lost balloons. The balloons were actually our questions and they went away from us.”-Talon
“Red Fox is losing balloons a few seconds ago here because you forget things. Losing balloons means that you forget something.”-Gabriel
“Two days ago, me and Rebecca talked about how bad Kidz Bop is (our opinion). I think that their voices are a little too squeaky (again, our opinion). Sometimes, they change the words and it messes up the song (our opinion). Also, they remake really good songs (our opinion). Overall, Kidz Bop is bad (our opinion).”-JJ
“Me and Hazel are making dresses at school because we are going to make a club to earn money. We are sewing them.”-Emma
“Me and Emma were making dresses yesterday at school because we wanted to see how good we are at it. First we cut out a pattern, then we traced on the fabric and that’s as far as we’ve gotten.”-Hazel
“Friday, me and Gabriel are going to NYC. We are leaving at 11:45 AM. We are leaving because it is a tradition to go every year. We go in our car. We stay in our Grandma’s house. It is a long drive, four hours to get to see all my old friends (yay!).”-Rebecca
Love, Red Fox Community School Talon, Henri, Ryder, Hazel, Gabriel, Matilda, Beckett, Emma, Caleb, Eleanor, Charlie, JJ, Rebecca, Addis, Zooey, Nicolas, Eden, Colby and Cole