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Writer's pictureRed Fox Community School

Week of October 7th, 2019

“Dear Everyone,

“On Friday we had Grandparents Day. Two former Red Fox students named Cian and Kelley came with JJ. First, some people, my grandfather and I, made pumpkin and owl drawings with oil pastels on black paper in the Eagle’s nest. Most people went down to the other rooms. In the conference room we did a leaf wax resist. In the Owls’ we did sewing. After that we had morning meeting and then we had snack. We went outside and did a science project with the Tschorn’s grandpa, David. First, we experimented with dry ice, then we did Coke and Mentos. We played for a little and then went inside. Once inside we wrote stories with our grandparents. My grandfather had already left so I worked with Cian. We shared our stories in the library and left. It was really fun to hang out with all of our grandparents.”-Eden (Thank you all the Grandparents who came!)

“On Monday, Henri came to school. Henri is very fun to play with. Henri is soooo cool because he says funny things. He is good at building. I like that he came to school.”-Charlie (Welcome Henri!)

“NYT What do you see? On Monday we went to the learning network on the New York Times. It’s for teachers. On it there’s this thing called “What do you see?” and usually its something political but it’s always kid friendly. You should visit it sometime.”-Zooey

“Charlie sprained her ankle. She needs crutches. I painted her in space.”-Henri

“Wednesday and Tuesday is Yom Kippur. We go to church and have dinner. Yom Kippur is like saying sorry or giving an apology. You don’t light candles or eat challah bread with apples and honey. Some people take a day off from school. All in all it is a great holiday.”-Rebecca

“This has been a very, very busy week for the tooth fairy. Zooey, Nico and I lost our teeth at school. I got two dollars.”-Caleb

“This week we had to go home and research our hibernation animal and I am doing turtles. We are turning our research into a children’s book.”-Cole

“Emma and Hazel used the perler beads to make stuff with them. You can make pretty things.”-Matilda (Thank you Hazel and Laura for bringing us an iron!)

“The brown team always wins in chess and the white team always loses. And the brown team was Ryder and Gabriel. And the white team was me and Henri. That’s it.”-Talon

“On Wednesday morning we had school picture day. We went downstairs in twos and threes. Andrew and Maxine were waiting outside with a camera and tripod. I went with Zooey, Nicolas and Rebecca. I forgot to change into my outside shoes so my inside shoes got soaked with the morning dew! I wonder if there was supposed to be a whole school picture? Anyway there wasn’t. Say cheese!”-Addis

“Andrew took pictures for picture day.”-Beckett

“We are all writing stories in writer’s workshop. I’m writing about a zombie apocalypse. Zooey is writing about her opinion on slavery. Cole is writing about a two legged dog that speaks English. And Addis is writing about an elf. Writer’s Workshop is one my favorite times of day.”-Nicolas

“The owls changed reading buddies today. My new buddy is Nicolas.”-Hazel

“The owls made planets. I made Jupiter.”-Gabriel

“Today, we played soccer. Baby pug was ref. I am baby pug. Bazo goob!! Sorry, that was baby pug writing! Baby pug is a year and two months old. Pugs (my opinion) are very cute. Baby pug is very funny because he says stuff like “bozo doof”!”-JJ

“This week we played soccer with LTS. We are okay. But when we play it together it’s really fun. We are pretty good.”-Colby

“We are going to Smokey House to pick pumpkins. The owls will pick pumpkins.”-Ryder

“We are going to pick pumpkins at Smokey House because they need help. And we are going to take a walk in the forest.”-Emma

Love, Red Fox Community School Talon, Henri, Ryder, Hazel, Gabriel, Matilda, Beckett, Emma, Caleb, Charlie, JJ, Rebecca, Addis, Zooey, Eden, Colby, Nicolas and Cole

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